
To be transparent about any possible side effects when using our cosmetic skin cream we are sharing our testimonials.

In respect to those claiming positive side effects, we do not support these findings, and believe that any perceived positive side effects to be purely coincidental.  We are not aware of any negative side effects.


  • We were on our honeymoon in Victoria BC, and we were walking around China Town looking through the many shops and came upon this shop in Dragon Alley! It was funny because the name reminded us of Diagon Alley from Harry Potter!  This shop was very comfortable to be in, and the shop owner was very knowledgeable! He listened to our situation, arthritis and neurological pain problems from surgeries along with other systemic issues, and he recommended this as an aid not necessarily a cure! We listened to his story of being in a very bad motorcycle accident early on in his life and were astounded! He said he has never used an opioid for anything since then! Cannabinoid topical for external and edibles for pain threshold coverage! When we first used this it was on my spinal surgery scar area on my neck, instant relief!!! My Bride used it on her surgery area on her knees, and hands for arthritis, again instant relief! We use it for everything, including athletes foot for me and it gets it gone in a day!!! We have had the container for almost a year and a half, it is almost gone! A little goes a long way! We cannot find it anywhere here in the WA?! Is there a shop here where we can get this wonderful ailment balm? Very Positive feedback with friends we have introduced to the acting affect this has and they were amazed! Please let us know where we can get this here? Thank You.

  • I admit I was a little skeptical at first and wondered if the claims were for real. So I decided to put the balm to the test on my new wound. After trying it for a month, I knew it was for me. Not only did it decrease my painful burn sensations, I noticed it also started to heal my wound and minimize the scarring. Now I use my balm all over – dry lips, cuts, headaches, leg cramps. I call it magical balm.

    Skeptic Turns Convert
  • For post-surgery; Inflammation, Scarring & Pain Relief.   Two weeks using Therapeutic Healing Cream. Inflammation and Scarring gone!

    Post surgery, Inflammation-Scarring-Pain Relief
  • I had major knee surgery done recently, used the cream for two weeks, my pain, inflammation, and post surgery scarring gone!! Knee – Post Surgery 1 week using Therapeutic Healing Cream. 2 weeks using Therapeutic Healing Cream. Excellent results on Inflammation, Scarring and pain relief

    Excellent results on Inflammation, Scarring and pain relief
  • Nose Surgery Product Used: Topical Green (Lemon Balm balm) I started applying Clearikon Topical Green the day stitches were removed, 2 weeks after surgery. I applied to area down the top of my nose 2-3 times a day. I have NO VISIBLE SCAR! Amazing product! 👍  

  • Surgical Site Scar Healed Product Used: Topical Green (Lemon Balm balm) Patient, Elaine B. had surgery on January 6, 2020. I had a major allergic reaction to the glue the doctor used to close my abdomen after colon surgery. I used the topical green on the area, within a day it had cooled the stinging down and the itching. Within a few days after the first use the wound had started healing, within 2 weeks it was completely healed.

    Elaine B.
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