To be transparent about any possible side effects when using our cosmetic skin cream we are sharing our testimonials.
In respect to those claiming positive side effects, we do not support these findings, and believe that any perceived positive side effects to be purely coincidental. We are not aware of any negative side effects.
My cat developed a skin infection on his chin. It was very badly infected and his hair fell out of the chin area completely and he had scabs and weeping sores. The vet gave me some scrub that was ineffective on its own, although I used it daily for 2 weeks. I then followed up the wash with Therapeutic Healing Cream and within a week, his chin was showing great signs of healing. After three weeks, he has now got his hair back and is comfortable. This Cream is wonderful for skin!
I have owned a dispensary called Nature’s Aid since February 2016. We started carrying this amazing product after we heard great things. I brought my free sample home and started using it on my jaw. I was in a car accident and suffer from a dislocating jaw. I was taking ibuprofen on a regular basis. Within the first month of using this product I stopped taking any medication and am feeling much better! I have also used this product on my old bulldog. His nose was very cracked and this product healed it and even started new growth right away! Thank you Top Shelf!!
I've been using this cream for a few years now and its magic in a container. I use it for my carpal tunnel, wounds, stretch marks, even my animals (dog/cat/horse)