
To be transparent about any possible side effects when using our cosmetic skin cream we are sharing our testimonials.

In respect to those claiming positive side effects, we do not support these findings, and believe that any perceived positive side effects to be purely coincidental.  We are not aware of any negative side effects.

Nerve Pain

  • I heard about your product from my son. He bought a jar for me to try. I was very skeptical that it would do anything. Boy was I wrong. I was having intense nerve pain in my shoulder and wrist. I had my son rub some on both spots that were bothering me. The pain was gone within minutes and the muscles in the area started to relax. I have been using it sparingly ever since. It has really helped decrease the pain and works really quickly. The Cannabis smell is a little strong for my liking. I wish the lemon scent was a little stronger so I could use it anytime.

  • My friend here who is an ultra runner tried it for a nerve issue he is having in his neck. He has found he loves it and wanted me to ask before I ordered more if it comes in any larger containers?

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