
To be transparent about any possible side effects when using our cosmetic skin cream we are sharing our testimonials.

In respect to those claiming positive side effects, we do not support these findings, and believe that any perceived positive side effects to be purely coincidental.  We are not aware of any negative side effects.

Multiple Sclerosis

  • Hello, I moved to Winnipeg a couple of years ago from Vancouver Island, and was lucky enough to find your cream recently at a local dispensary. I am afflicted with secondary progressive MS and have never been treated with any pharmaceutical as I managed my episodes with marijuana. I needed to be treated for an unrelated infection with 2 years of antibiotics, and the pills triggered secondary progressive approximately 6 years ago. 25 years after my original diagnosis, I am still working full time, driving, and walking for the most part, although I tire easily. I do suffer from severe leg cramps that normally make it impossible for me to walk. The first time I tried your Top Shelf Topicals Therapeutic Healing Cream, I was amazed. I was able to get up within seemingly seconds with no pain at all, allowing me to use the washroom.

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