
To be transparent about any possible side effects when using our cosmetic skin cream we are sharing our testimonials.

In respect to those claiming positive side effects, we do not support these findings, and believe that any perceived positive side effects to be purely coincidental.  We are not aware of any negative side effects.


  • I tried the new Lemon balm right away and find this one much better, and the pain stays away longer. I order for another lady that has many health issues and is in constant pain and she loves this one, says she slept so well last night. I have shared your product with many people here and getting the word out for you! When I believe in something I will promote it forever!! Thank you again!! Have an awesome day and summer!! This old gal is gone fishing!! lol

    Rhonda New extra strength
  • “I need to order some of your product. I have been using it for athletes foot and it is working.”

  • Hello… I received a tiny jar of your lemon balm at the Sidney BC street market.  It is helping my psoriasis a great deal.  In fact I have not had much success with Rx medications… Thank you

  • Hello, I would like to know if I can purchase your healing cream. My brother gave me a sample and it works well.

  • where can we get this?  and can we also get a price list? I have a little sample container and it seems to make a difference when my family and I have used it on our sore spots.

  • My niece, who lives on Vancouver Island, gave me a jar of your Lemon Balm cream. I’ve found it extremely beneficent and would like to purchase more.

  • Love how it eases/stops the itch of mosquito bites for up to 8 hours.

    Laura Lynn
  • …, I work as a psychologist and used to be a past physiotherapist. I tried your product after a good friend recommended it, and I’m quite shocked how well it works.

  • My cousin Brenda gave us a jar of your cream while we were visiting Victoria and it’s been a miracle in clearing up poison ivy on my husbands leg.

  • This product has worked wonders for many things..

  • Hi, a few years ago a gentleman stopped by my beauty salon and dropped off a sample of Lemon Balm. I kept it in my fridge and totally forgot about it. Recently I had pain in my knees and decided to try out the balm. It took the pain away and now I would to purchase the cream. Could you please let me know where I can get the cream?

    Lily Knee Pain
  • my wife has tried it on her knee and has found it gives her relief of the pain.

    Ernest Knee Pain
  • Hello. A health care practitioner of mine recommended your product for topical treatment of back pain. I’m wondering where I can buy it?

    Dylan Back Pain
  • hello top shelf, I have been using you product on absolutely everything and always have the best, fast healing results. Especially on all the burns I get from work, being a welder. I always notice how quickly the redness and swelling goes down after applying it to my fresh and day old burns. It has really helped me to keep my hands and skin naturally healing and being able to keep working. I would love to share your product with others, but am not sure where to buy it. Please let me know where I can get more of your beautiful product. Thank you

  • Hello Several months ago a friend gave me this cream. I used it a few times with very satisfactory results. Recently my 78 mother has had severe shoulder pain and I gave her my tub of cream. She felt so relieved after her first use, she was asking where to get it ? Thank you so much,

  • Works Wonder Best thing I have ever tried for my arthritic hands. Helps me sleep without the pain. Luv it.

  • Hi, I had a customer come in to the health food store where I work with an empty container of your cream and he was raving about how good it is.

  • My husband & I use your cream for our aches & pains of old age.

  • Impressive results means I want to share it with a friend who is suffering with a skin condition I believe this will help with.

  • Really like this for the arthritis in my hands. Store I was buying it from closed. Would really like to know where I can get some more please

  • I got a jar of this cream and tried on my psoriasis. After about a week of using it daily my psoriasis was completely gone. And has never come back! I had been dealing with my psoriasis for years using multiple prescription creams, and even steroid injections. Nothing I have used has come close to working as well as this cream. I want to buy more jars for my friends and family that are still suffering. Is it possible to purchase this online as I have since moved Alberta. Thanks for making such an incredible product!

  • I live in Edmonton do you have an outlet here or stockist If not can I buy online A friend gave me some lemon Balm it greatly helped psoriasis on my scalp.

  • Got a jar of the lemon balm given to me and it works wonders for my arthritis in my knees. I am almost out of it and I can’t seem to find a place that sells it. Please help!!! My knees need this… 😁😁😁

  • Hello… I received a tiny jar of your lemon balm at the Sidney BC street market. It is helping my psoriasis a great deal. In fact I have not had much success with Rx medications…Please let me know the nearest outlet that could sell this to me. Thank you.

  • …It works great on my arthritic knees.

  • I work as a psychologist and used to be a past physiotherapist. I tried your product after a good friend recommended it, and I’m quite shocked how well it works…I work with many veterans and first responders that would be interested in such a product.

  • I got too close to a large fire in autumn during a day permitted for burning, and the skin on my face was bright red on the forehead and under my eyes from too much heat; it was sore to touch. I put the lemon balm cream liberally on the sore spots in the evening and overnight the redness was mostly gone!

  • Hi, I have been searching for a place to buy your cream for years. I believe that your product is a miracle and should be on every pharmacy shelf…

  • I have just been diagnosed with arthritis is the joint just below all of my toes!! I am not able to take oral pain medication and I was getting to the point where I was finding walking too painful. I was given a sample of your Lemon Balm…I didn’t really believe it was going to help but it’s effects were instantaneous!! I still can’t believe It!! Thank you 😊

  • Love The Cream …I love that cream its truly a godsend. It works for so many things…

  • I have used the cream for about a year now, helps with the painful arthrits in my hands, where can i buy it after the 15th. Wonderful stuff, I’ve used it for other issues as well, an odd growth on my face, reduced the size of it, have a wonderful day.

  • Hi wondering where I can purchase this. Was gifted small amount for red marks on chest and have found it not only got rid of them its also getting rid of skin tags i have had for years. Want some for myself as well as to gift some to mom in chronic pain as well as her partner who has hemorrhoids. Thx

  • I am writing on behalf of my brother who said that he was skeptical at first when I gave him the topical! He had an open wound on his leg which made him unable to use the pool, but in a week his wound has healed and now he can swim again. I just ordered two more jars for him and am so grateful his wound has healed.

  • Need More! My cousin Brenda gave us a jar of your cream while we were visiting Victoria and it’s been a miracle in clearing up poison ivy on my husbands leg. How can I order more?? We live in Toronto.

  • “Hello. A health care practitioner of mine reccomended your product for topical treatment of back pain. I’m wondering where I can buy it?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Most recent. “Thank you. I went by the shop and received great service. The cream was effective immediately as well.”

    Dylan Back Pain
  • Hello, my bother and sister-in-law live in Nanaimo and were telling me the Top Shelf Tropical Lemon Balm Therapeutic Healing Cream was amazing for inflammation and pain relief. Thank you

  • I am a massage therapist esthetician, starting delivery service with, health treatments pedicures foot care, body work, facial treatments and teaching use and results with Top Self topicals,!!! I love this cream oil wonder butter! It’s awesome.

  • A client of mine gave me a jar of your cream. I love it. As an RMT it makes a huge difference in my hands. I’d like to order more. How can I do that? Ps. Thanks for a wonderful product.

  • My niece gave me some Therapeutic Healing Cream for an inflamed arthritic knee and back pain. It has proved beneficial. I live in Nanaimo and am wondering where I can purchase more?

  • In spring of 2017 my left thumb became stiff and often locked in place and was painful to move or straighten by moving with my right hand. Xrays told me I had early stages of OA. While in Sooke visiting my wife’s aunt she told me of your cream that she had used on her wrist after falling and breaking it. I ran out and bought some immediately and I was amazed at how fast I got relief from the pain and stiffness. Within two weeks of nightly application my thumb is back to 100% mobility. in spring of 2018 the same thing began happening with my right thumb. I had run out of the first jar of cream so I tried other cannabis creams but with no significant relief. In April I made another trip to Sooke and bought several jars of your Lemon Balm. It has been a month now and my right thumb has improved back to about 90% mobility and very little stiffness or pain remains. Awesome stuff. I am now applying to my arthritic left knee and noting some improvement in mobility and lack of pain and reduced locking. Two thumbs up!!”

  • This product worked wonders on my shingles rash. It immediately stopped the itching and reduced the pain by half. The waves of sharp stabbing pain In the effected area ceased within 20 minutes of application. I used the product in conjunction with traditional antiviral medication and the rash was seriously diminished in 24 hours and completely gone in 4 days. This product almost completely eliminates the lingering skin sensitivity, pain and itch that always remains in the effected area after the shingles rash clears up.

  • I have lower back pain for years from degenerative lumbar disk disease. Recently my pain exacerbated from additional trauma and I could not sleep because of back and hip pain. Tried every possible topical cream/ salve/ointment without effect. While visiting Victoria BC stopped at a small shop selling essential oils and homeopatic products. Mentioned my problem and the lady gave me a small jar to try of the lemon balm ointment, for the first time in months I was able to sleep and got significant pain relief.

  • As a RN I was skeptical about this product, my eczema on the top of my feet and my right hand was so bad within 2 days I could already see the healing not to mention the immediate relief of the terrible itching. I have found my new healing miracle cream.

  • Hi, I have been desperately looking for where I can buy this product!! I live in Vancouver BC and my husband got a jar of your topical cream from a friend, because he has such bad circulation in his legs, and his lower legs had gone almost black with bruising and swelling. He had gone to multiple doctors and they said it was a rash and there was nothing that could be done. But after just one application the difference was noticeable”… “Now that area is completely clear.” …”I WANT TO BUY YOUR PRODUCT, IT WORKS MIRACLES!!” …”how can it be, that a product that works as good as yours isn’t available in every drug store, everywhere? Thank you so much for making this cream! Now what do I have to do to get some of it!!!

  • I cannot tell you how thrilled I am.  I used it immediately and within the following day of using 3-4 times daily, my pain , movement , swelling of the joints on my hand was back to a normal, non pained, movable hand.   Now I use it every couple of days for it doesn’t go away completely.  but what a nice feeling to curb that pain and to have a hand that works.

    Carol Swollen Joints & Hand Pain
  • After years of chronic pain in my feet I assume that, that is just life. With just one thin application at night before sleep my feet & I awake pain free!

    Justine Fibromyalgia
  • We were on our honeymoon in Victoria BC, and we were walking around China Town looking through the many shops and came upon this shop in Dragon Alley! It was funny because the name reminded us of Diagon Alley from Harry Potter!  This shop was very comfortable to be in, and the shop owner was very knowledgeable! He listened to our situation, arthritis and neurological pain problems from surgeries along with other systemic issues, and he recommended this as an aid not necessarily a cure! We listened to his story of being in a very bad motorcycle accident early on in his life and were astounded! He said he has never used an opioid for anything since then! Cannabinoid topical for external and edibles for pain threshold coverage! When we first used this it was on my spinal surgery scar area on my neck, instant relief!!! My Bride used it on her surgery area on her knees, and hands for arthritis, again instant relief! We use it for everything, including athletes foot for me and it gets it gone in a day!!! We have had the container for almost a year and a half, it is almost gone! A little goes a long way! We cannot find it anywhere here in the WA?! Is there a shop here where we can get this wonderful ailment balm? Very Positive feedback with friends we have introduced to the acting affect this has and they were amazed! Please let us know where we can get this here? Thank You.

  • Hello, I moved to Winnipeg a couple of years ago from Vancouver Island, and was lucky enough to find your cream recently at a local dispensary. I am afflicted with secondary progressive MS and have never been treated with any pharmaceutical as I managed my episodes with marijuana. I needed to be treated for an unrelated infection with 2 years of antibiotics, and the pills triggered secondary progressive approximately 6 years ago. 25 years after my original diagnosis, I am still working full time, driving, and walking for the most part, although I tire easily. I do suffer from severe leg cramps that normally make it impossible for me to walk. The first time I tried your Top Shelf Topicals Therapeutic Healing Cream, I was amazed. I was able to get up within seemingly seconds with no pain at all, allowing me to use the washroom.

  • I first put this cream on a mosquito bite and magically, there was no itch. Normally a mosquito bite on me would be itchy for days and days. Nothing, just a red lump on my skin where I had been bitten. Yesterday, I was stung by a wasp. Normally a wasp sting would leave me with huge swelling around the area and lots of itching and uncomfortable feeling for days. I put the cream on, it stopped swelling immediately, no itching, just a bit of redness and the obvious sting area itself. I’m impressed and will be bringing some of this to my family who live in the interior, an area with lots and lots of mosquitos and biting flies. Thanks, it rocks!

  • I began noticing dark bruises on my legs 8 years ago, went to 8 different Dr.s and was told that there was nothing they could do. I lived with my legs looking black and dead for years and wearing jeans all summer is not fun. But a friend told me that he knew of a store that was closing that sold hemp products and I thought why not. I grabbed a container because it was 50% off, and I could not believe the results. My wife massaged it into my legs and from the first day the change was incredible. After only 4 days, a huge section on the back of my leg was clear, and from just using one container, I now have clear patches on both legs.

  • I got a small jar of this lemon Balm from a friend who got it from someone in Victoria BC and she don’t remember who he was.  I have been using it for a month now and am almost out of it. I have arthritis and it relieves the pain so I can sleep.  How can I get another jar of it ? Hope to hear from you soon

  • I currently have your product and need to buy more for friends who I have promoted it to. The cream is amazing for all sorts of pain. I also have a small skin cancer on my face that the doctor was going to remove but now he is questioning why it is getting smaller. I use the cream three times a day. Thank you

  • I just wanted to say that I have been trying a number of topicals for over a year now for muscle aches and spasms. Your product worked FAR better than a few of the more expensive products out there.   It just works (10-15 minutes) and I don’t need much. Excellent product!

  • For years I have suffered chronic back pain, restless leg syndrome, arthritis and eczema until my son introduced me to Top Shelf Topical Healing Cream. I have experienced amazing results with this healing cream; definitely a product I never want to be without. Thanks so much!!!

  • My friend got your lemon balm and it has worked amazingly on her arthritic hands. My father in law has rheumatoid arthritis that is quite painful and I would like him to be able to try it. How can I go about this?

  • This is the best product I have ever used. I can only find one word for it, AWESOME!!!

  • My cat developed a skin infection on his chin. It was very badly infected and his hair fell out of the chin area completely and he had scabs and weeping sores.  The vet gave me some scrub that was ineffective on its own, although I used it daily for 2 weeks. I then followed up the wash with Therapeutic Healing Cream and within a week, his chin was showing great signs of healing. After three weeks, he has now got his hair back and is comfortable. This Cream is wonderful for skin!

  • I have had Colitis for 15 years and have had a constant pain in my left side that never goes away. I started using the lemon balm to see if it would help the affected area. The pain subsides after I apply the balm and rub it in and the effect usually last for about eight hours. I have also noticed that my joint pain in my hands has become less and less with each application.

  • Hi, My 16 year old daughter was given a sample of your lemon balm to try for a chronic pain condition and she said it magically made her pain disappear for about 3 hours. We showed it to her doctor who asked if we could find out how much cbd is in the product and if your company has any research regarding use of topical cannabis in kids. Currently, they are not allowed to prescribe cannabis for kids with chronic pain. Also, we are in nova Scotia and wonder if you distribute this product nearby. Any information you can give is greatly appreciated.

  • I have owned a dispensary called Nature’s Aid since February 2016. We started carrying this amazing product after we heard great things. I brought my free sample home and started using it on my jaw. I was in a car accident and suffer from a dislocating jaw. I was taking ibuprofen on a regular basis. Within the first month of using this product I stopped taking any medication and am feeling much better! I have also used this product on my old bulldog. His nose was very cracked and this product healed it and even started new growth right away! Thank you Top Shelf!!

  • I have had the flu for a while, my head has been so congested that my ear has been plugged for a week, nothing was helping. Tried some balm behind my ear and in front (on my face) and about 5-10 minutes later I could hear properly again. Also, cleared up my child’s yeast diaper rash.  I love this stuff.

  • Thank you so much for a great product. I recently burnt the top of my hand on the oven rack and it got infected. I didn’t want to use antibiotics so I tried polysporin but that didn’t do much and I still had swelling, pain and redness. I was at the therapeutic hemp shop with my friend and I noticed the info card on the table while I was waiting for her and read it. I asked the young man working about it, and he told me about it and looked at my hand and said that it would help 100%. I bought it and I must tell you I was amazed at my hand in the morning. It is the best $30 I have spent in a long time. I will always have some in the house now. Thanks again. A very satisfied customer in Victoria BC, Canada.

  • This stuff is wonderful. I noticed a difference after 1 application to my eczema. It cleared up with 3 applications.

  • I heard about your product from my son. He bought a jar for me to try. I was very skeptical that it would do anything. Boy was I wrong. I was having intense nerve pain in my shoulder and wrist. I had my son rub some on both spots that were bothering me. The pain was gone within minutes and the muscles in the area started to relax. I have been using it sparingly ever since. It has really helped decrease the pain and works really quickly. The Cannabis smell is a little strong for my liking. I wish the lemon scent was a little stronger so I could use it anytime.

  • Wow!! I’m fortunate enough to get foot rubs on my very sore and painful arthritic feet with this cream. Hubby’s hands feel great too! Not bad for a couple of seniors? I’m back at walking and very little pain! I need more.

  • I got a sample of your cream from my girl in Oak bay who does acupuncture. My son has major back problems and i gave him the sample, he said it works better than his pain killers with no side effects.

  • I have been using your samples and have seen a huge change from Pain Killers to your balm.  I had a surgery last year and had been using pain killers 24 hr a day.  I was given your product and started to use it instead of the pills.  I have been now using it for a month and have seen the pain sensors in my wrist disappear.

    Joel Wrist Pain
  • This has been a big help for me in a lot of ways, to the pain in my hand, the muscles in my neck, and the headache I get.  It has helped my mom a lot as well with her pain, so thank you a lot and keep up the good work.

  • Top Shelf is Top Rung. As a cannabinopathic consultant I use and recommend Top Shelf creams. On a personal note, I use it for arthritis pain and eczema…it works great. One application a day is all I need. Have also used it to remove unsightly skin tags and what it does is amazing!!! After a few applications, the tag turns a vivid red and then just falls off and the surrounding skin returns to its homeopathic state prior to the development of the skin tag. Too easy and so inexpensive.

  • I have arthritis in my knees, restless leg syndrome and neuropathy in both legs and hands. I was given a small amount of this cream to try and I am amazed at the positive results of this product.

  • Having used many tattoo balms and creams, as well with my experience in the industry with similar products, I have to give these guys 5 Stars.  1 application 3 days later, no dry skin.  True potential of the essential ingredients.  I recommend to anyone.

  • This has to be the very best pain reliever I’ve ever used, instant relief and lasts longer than any other creams used. Thank you, I’ll say it again, IT REALLY WORKS WONDERS.

    Gwen Back & Shoulder Pain
  • Love your cream! Just bought some today and it seems to really be helping with my knees, which were really bad, and I had 4 surgeries on one! Thank you so much for making such a great product, and I’m sure I will have much more to say about it if this turns out to be a long term solution instead of something that just works for a while then stops working.

  • I initially thought I wouldn’t have much use for a cannabis cream because I don’t have any particular issues with my skin besides some facial acne. I’m glad I didn’t give my jar away to a friend. First I tried it on my dry hands and immediately noticed that it felt really nice, and smelled really good. It does smell like cannabis, but mixed with the lemon balm it’s very pleasant. It looks green but the color quickly goes away. In fact, the whole cream disappears into the skin quickly which I really like; I can use my hands right away without having that greasy feeling (unlike straight coconut oil, which I find is usually too greasy for moisturizing). After loving the way it felt on my hands and the smell, I had to try it on my face. If it doesn’t cause me to break out it’s a win. What I noticed when applying it to my face is, again, not too greasy. It disappears into the skin very fast, which of course is important for someone with oily, blemished skin. Also, within minutes, any redness in my face goes down. It’s amazing how fast this happens. AND no breakouts with this cream; in fact, it helps. I would highly recommend this cream to someone with acne and/or sensitive skin on the face. And last but not least, as I get a sore back from having a spinal fusion years ago, I decided to try rubbing it into the painful spots. The anti-inflammatory properties are incredible, because within minutes the soreness also went down. Thank you to the lovely couple that makes this cream who are so passionate about spreading positive information and a completely non-toxic product that heals. The world needs you!

  • I admit I was a little skeptical at first and wondered if the claims were for real. So I decided to put the balm to the test on my new wound. After trying it for a month, I knew it was for me. Not only did it decrease my painful burn sensations, I noticed it also started to heal my wound and minimize the scarring. Now I use my balm all over – dry lips, cuts, headaches, leg cramps. I call it magical balm.

    Skeptic Turns Convert
  • My name is Stella and I am a cannabis user for many reasons but specifically relevant in this context, I use cannabis to manage pain and inflammation. My injuries have been preventing me from getting back into some of my favorite activities (eg. running, surfing, dancing, playing basket ball… etc) that keep me happy healthy and whole. I started using the Therapeutic Healing Cream 4 months ago to manage my neck, back, shoulder and hand pain from whiplash injuries I sustained. I have been struggling with chronic pain for years now and struggled to find anything that would help me manage my injuries in a sustainable way. I found that this cream started working within a few minutes and because THC is stored in your fat cells for 30 days, it keeps on working. The more you use it, the less you will feel the need to because the effects are compounding. Not only is it amazing for pain but also other conditions related to skin. I did Acutane twice, Proactive regime and pretty much every home remedy imaginable and nothing seemed to make a lasting improvement to my skins condition. I’ve been using the cream on my face everyday now instead of moisturizer and I’ve been getting compliments on my skin for the first time. I’ve started running again and though that might not mean much to some, it means the world to me. Thank you so much, Keep up the great work, you are so appreciated!

  • I gave a sample of your cream to a friend of mine, who’s wife was suffering from hemorrhoids. She had tried a number of products over a couple of weeks, but could not find any relief from the pain, that literally had her in tears. He told me that twenty minutes after applying your cream, she was up dancing!

  • I suffer from a skin condition that seems to flare up intermittently on my face, causing me to hide in the shadows for days on end until it calms down. I have used many different cannabis salves and creams in the past, including recently when my partner’s co-worker made me a “special batch,” but can tell almost instantly by the smell if they will work or not — they usually don’t. When Karin gave me a sample of your salve I said, “Finally! This sh*t will actually work.” That night I used it on my face when it was so inflamed it hurt to smile, and by the time I had looked in the mirror the next morning it had healed almost 60% overnight.

  • I was given a container from a coworker for my arthritis back pain. It is an amazing product. I can’t believe how fast the pain went away. I want to know how I can purchase more. Please let me know. Thanks

  • This lady suffers from eczema, and I contacted her to see if she was having any success with the cream; “The Cream is amazing. Greasy, but amazing! It clears my skin instantly, but if I don’t use it on the regular, it just goes back to normal. I try to use it as often as I can, so hopefully within the next month or so it’s completely gone. Thanks again so much!”

  • For post-surgery; Inflammation, Scarring & Pain Relief.   Two weeks using Therapeutic Healing Cream. Inflammation and Scarring gone!

    Post surgery, Inflammation-Scarring-Pain Relief
  • Worked amazing on my sunburn!!! I ended up with a bad sunburn on the top of both of my feet during my last vacation, when I applied the ointment to the area the burning sensation went away. I was able to wear my regular shoes and socks again with no pain. I definitely recommend using this product and it will ALWAYS travel with me.

  • My Children’s eczema which caused rashes and scaly skin has virtually been eliminated with the use of this cream within two weeks!! Eczema Before Picture Jan 10th, 2016   Started using the Therapeutic Healing Cream, Jan 20th Eczema itching gone, appearance improving   Eczema almost gone, no itching. another satisfied client, Jan 28th, 2016

    Eczema virtually eliminated in 2 weeks
  • I had major knee surgery done recently, used the cream for two weeks, my pain, inflammation, and post surgery scarring gone!! Knee – Post Surgery 1 week using Therapeutic Healing Cream. 2 weeks using Therapeutic Healing Cream. Excellent results on Inflammation, Scarring and pain relief

    Excellent results on Inflammation, Scarring and pain relief
  • I have had psoriasis for 6 years and i have tried every ointment, cream, steroid cream and have had little or no success in treating the problem. I started to use your Top Shelf Topicals about 6 weeks ago and have had a vast improvement with my psoriasis, to the point where it is almost gone on my arms and face. I highly recommended this to people I know with the same problem. Psoriasis before using cream. Psoriasis after 2 weeks Psoriasis after 6 weeks

    Don Nieman
  • Recluse Spider Bite Product Used: Topical Green (Lemon Balm balm) I was bitten by a brown recluse spider on my right thumb, it started necrotizing the skin all around the area of the bite. Nothing worked until I started using topical green. Within a week it had completely healed and now I have a normal looking thumb.  – Elaine B. - November 25, 2021  

  • Diaper Rash Product Used: Topical Green (Lemon Balm balm) Topical Green worked wonders to heal my 1 year old's horrible diaper rash! Before Topical Green, we were so desperate. It got so bad that the skin was breaking in spots and we had to take him to the pediatrician. We tried everything we could including zinc oxide cream, petroleum jelly, mineral oil, and no diaper (which was not fun). My son was also having a terrible time sleeping from the pain which meant I was too. Nothing worked fast enough until Topical Green. It knocked it out and I saw results overnight! Now if I see diaper rash starting up, I put Topical Green on him before his nap and before he goes to bed for the night and by morning it is either gone or mostly cleared up!  

  • Healed Bed Sores Product Used: Topical Green (Lemon Balm balm) Great product! My husband is paralyzed and can not walk. He is in a wheelchair or bed and started developing painful bed sores and pressure sores. As soon as we started using Clearikon the sores healed up and he stopped complaining of pain. Thank you Clearikon!!  

  • Nose Surgery Product Used: Topical Green (Lemon Balm balm) I started applying Clearikon Topical Green the day stitches were removed, 2 weeks after surgery. I applied to area down the top of my nose 2-3 times a day. I have NO VISIBLE SCAR! Amazing product! 👍  

  • Toe & Foot Wound Product Used: Topical Green (Lemon Balm balm) I had an infection in my bunion/toe since February. It was not healing even with 3 rounds of antibiotics & was really painful. I started using the Clearikon less than 2 weeks ago. About 3 days ago the pain was less & most of the swelling was gone so my foot & toe looked almost normal. I saw the Podiatrist today & for the first time was unable to get any drainage out of any open wound as most had closed. He remarked it appeared to be healing & I don't need to see him for a month instead of the regular 2 weeks. Thanks for the Clearikon,  

  • Surgical Site Scar Healed Product Used: Topical Green (Lemon Balm balm) Patient, Elaine B. had surgery on January 6, 2020. I had a major allergic reaction to the glue the doctor used to close my abdomen after colon surgery. I used the topical green on the area, within a day it had cooled the stinging down and the itching. Within a few days after the first use the wound had started healing, within 2 weeks it was completely healed.

    Elaine B.
  • I am trying to get it for my Dad who gets cracked finger tips and this balm worked wonders for him.

  • I've been using this cream for a few years now and its magic in a container. I use it for my carpal tunnel, wounds, stretch marks, even my animals (dog/cat/horse)

  • My friend here who is an ultra runner tried it for a nerve issue he is having in his neck. He has found he loves it and wanted me to ask before I ordered more if it comes in any larger containers?

  • He gave me a sample yesterday to treat the pain I am having due to a rare type of shingles I have called Ramsay Hunt. The balm helped reduce the pain so that I could sleep a couple of hours.

  • Love how it eases/stops the itch of mosquito bites for up to 8 hours. I have found many other uses as well

  • Day 1 Day 2

  • The new cream has helped improve eczema on my right lower leg and diminished pain from both an old sprain in my left ankle and torn labrum (cartilage) in my left hip.  Love it!

  • It is wonderful, I had a great nights sleep.  I put just a moderate amount on my back and within 15 minutes my back was feeling so much better.

  • Absolutely love this topical balm. I have an old sports injury, previously tore my medial meniscus and have some discomfort whenever I work out. I applied this cream to my knee post work out and was it ever effective! I now use it regularly, post workout and it works extremely well at eliminating the pain. The balm is nice and light when applied, and smells amazing. I also use it on my dry hands; as a nurse I am using sanitizer on my hands quite frequently and I am prone to sore, dry patches by the end of my shift. This balm works wonders for that as well. A great all around balm to use for dry sore skin, and muscle/joint pain. Will definitely be recommending to family and friends!

  • Hi there, The lemon balm balm has been an absolute life saver for our 4 year old who has extreme chronic eczema...It is the only thing helping her skin and we have seen dermatologists, allergy specialists and general practitioners who have all just prescribed us steroids that haven't worked. Thank you.    

  • The cream is incredible and got rid of my eczema and helps my hips and knees. Cheers.

  • my daughter who is 5 has the worst eczema I have ever seen in my life. I'll mention I am also a nurse. she is so bad that her skin bleeds on a regular. this stuff is an absolute God send!!!! She literally cries for lemon cream. it's the only thing that doesn't burn, it's the only thing that doesn't sting, it takes away the redness and the pain.  She likes the smell, I can't rave enough.  We are so thankful for this company and the help you have given our little girl. from a mom, I can't thank you enough. her skin is permanently scarred from  the steroids and scratching, but this stuff has given her relief no one else has ever been able to. THANK YOU

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