To be transparent about any possible side effects when using our cosmetic skin cream we are sharing our testimonials.
In respect to those claiming positive side effects, we do not support these findings, and believe that any perceived positive side effects to be purely coincidental. We are not aware of any negative side effects.
This has been a big help for me in a lot of ways, to the pain in my hand, the muscles in my neck, and the headache I get. It has helped my mom a lot as well with her pain, so thank you a lot and keep up the good work.
I admit I was a little skeptical at first and wondered if the claims were for real. So I decided to put the balm to the test on my new wound. After trying it for a month, I knew it was for me. Not only did it decrease my painful burn sensations, I noticed it also started to heal my wound and minimize the scarring. Now I use my balm all over – dry lips, cuts, headaches, leg cramps. I call it magical balm.