To be transparent about any possible side effects when using our cosmetic skin cream we are sharing our testimonials.
In respect to those claiming positive side effects, we do not support these findings, and believe that any perceived positive side effects to be purely coincidental. We are not aware of any negative side effects.
hello top shelf, I have been using you product on absolutely everything and always have the best, fast healing results. Especially on all the burns I get from work, being a welder. I always notice how quickly the redness and swelling goes down after applying it to my fresh and day old burns. It has really helped me to keep my hands and skin naturally healing and being able to keep working. I would love to share your product with others, but am not sure where to buy it. Please let me know where I can get more of your beautiful product. Thank you
I got too close to a large fire in autumn during a day permitted for burning, and the skin on my face was bright red on the forehead and under my eyes from too much heat; it was sore to touch. I put the lemon balm cream liberally on the sore spots in the evening and overnight the redness was mostly gone!
Thank you so much for a great product. I recently burnt the top of my hand on the oven rack and it got infected. I didn’t want to use antibiotics so I tried polysporin but that didn’t do much and I still had swelling, pain and redness. I was at the therapeutic hemp shop with my friend and I noticed the info card on the table while I was waiting for her and read it. I asked the young man working about it, and he told me about it and looked at my hand and said that it would help 100%. I bought it and I must tell you I was amazed at my hand in the morning. It is the best $30 I have spent in a long time. I will always have some in the house now. Thanks again. A very satisfied customer in Victoria BC, Canada.
I admit I was a little skeptical at first and wondered if the claims were for real. So I decided to put the balm to the test on my new wound. After trying it for a month, I knew it was for me. Not only did it decrease my painful burn sensations, I noticed it also started to heal my wound and minimize the scarring. Now I use my balm all over – dry lips, cuts, headaches, leg cramps. I call it magical balm.